List Of Find Out The Square Footage Of My House 2023

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Welcome to our blog! Today, we are going to dive into the topic of finding out the square footage of your house. Whether you are looking to sell your property, renovate, or simply satisfy your curiosity, knowing the exact square footage of your house can be both informative and useful. In this article, we will explore different methods you can use to determine the square footage of your house, as well as the importance of having this information. So, let's get started!

When it comes to finding out the square footage of your house, there are several methods you can employ. One of the most common ways is to measure each room individually and add up the total area. To do this, you will need a tape measure, a pen, and a piece of paper. Start by selecting a room and measuring its length and width. Multiply these two numbers together to get the square footage of that room. Repeat this process for each room in your house and add up the totals. This method may require some time and effort, but it can provide you with an accurate measurement of your entire house.

Method 1: Using an Online Square Footage Calculator

If you prefer a quicker and easier method, you can use an online square footage calculator. These calculators are available for free on various websites and can save you a lot of time and hassle. Simply input the dimensions of each room into the calculator, and it will automatically calculate the square footage for you. Some calculators even allow you to add irregularly shaped rooms or spaces with unique layouts. This method is ideal if you don't have the time or resources to measure each room manually.

Method 2: Consulting the Original Blueprints

If you have access to the original blueprints of your house, they can be a valuable resource for determining the square footage. Blueprints typically include detailed floor plans with measurements, making it easy to calculate the square footage of each room. If you don't have the blueprints on hand, you may be able to obtain a copy from your local building department or the architect who designed your house. Keep in mind that this method may not account for any renovations or additions that have been made since the original construction.

Method 3: Hiring a Professional Appraiser or Architect

If you want the most accurate and reliable measurement of your house's square footage, hiring a professional appraiser or architect is the way to go. These experts have the knowledge and tools to provide you with precise measurements, taking into account factors such as wall thickness, ceiling height, and other architectural details. While this method may involve a cost, it can be worth it if you need an official measurement for legal or real estate purposes.

The Importance of Knowing Your House's Square Footage

Now that we have discussed different methods to find out the square footage of your house, let's explore why it is important to have this information. Firstly, knowing the square footage can help you accurately price your house if you are looking to sell it. Real estate agents and potential buyers often use the square footage as a basis for determining the value of a property. By providing an accurate measurement, you can ensure that you are getting a fair price for your house.

Secondly, knowing the square footage can assist you in planning and budgeting for renovations or remodeling projects. Whether you are adding an extra room, expanding the kitchen, or building a new deck, having an accurate measurement of your house's square footage will help you estimate the costs and materials needed for the project. It can also help you determine if the proposed changes will comply with local building codes and regulations.

Lastly, knowing the square footage of your house can provide you with a better understanding of how your living space is utilized. It can help you identify areas that are underutilized or areas that may need decluttering and organizing. By maximizing the use of your space, you can create a more functional and comfortable living environment for you and your family.


In conclusion, finding out the square footage of your house can be done through various methods such as measuring each room individually, using an online calculator, consulting the original blueprints, or hiring a professional appraiser or architect. Knowing the square footage of your house is important for pricing your property, planning renovations, and understanding how your living space is utilized. So, take the time to determine the square footage of your house and unlock the valuable information it provides!

Measuring Each RoomAccurate measurementTime-consuming
Online Square Footage CalculatorQuick and easyPotential for inaccuracies
Consulting the Original BlueprintsPrecise measurementMay not account for renovations
Hiring a Professional Appraiser or ArchitectMost accurate measurementCost involved
